This site is dedicated to establish the fact that our ultimate success in this Dunia and Akhirat is only in religion - obedience to Allah s.w.t and following the Sunnah of Nabi s.a.w.

I think before we venture into a sacred and holy issue like religion, we should at least qualify ourselves, right? So, I have posted this three mind-boggling questions for all of us to answer or just ponder.

What is your purpose of life here on earth?
What are your necessities in life on earth and who fulfilled it?
What are your responsibilities in life here on earth?

This simple qualification is togauge our awareness on our purpose, neccessities and responsibilities.

In this blog, I shall commit to these basic tenets....

-I shall not dwell into hukum hakam, halal haram as those are better handled by an Ustaz or Alim. After all, hukum hakam is just 1/6 of the Quran! What is the other 5/6? Muslims are already engaged in thousands of arguments and we don't need to further fan the fire or "tragedy". I was told, even in Solat, there are more than 200 "point of disagreement"!

-I shall not dwell into furu', Fiqh and other intricacies. Islam has 2 major sects, 4 major Mazhabs, more than 20 types of fikrah, many ideologies, different political affiliations and other trends. Discussions on this is filled to the brim, some already exploded! So, I am not wasting time in any war of words on any issues with anyone.

-I shall dwell into sharing with you some food for the soul. As our body needs nutrients, our soul too needs nur (light) in the form of reminders from the Quran, Hadith, Hayatus Sahabah, provoking questions and fikir to enlighten our hearts! An enlightened heart ( heart filled with the Greatness of Allah and the love of Nabi s.a.w, virtues of amal and promises of Allah etc) will drive us to amal, insya Allah. It is all about our iman (faith) and our amal ( deeds)

-I shall dwell into instilling the fikir, risau and bimbang ( thoughts, worries and anxiety) of Nabi s.a.w towards his ummat and the fikir, risau and bimbang about the state of our iman and the quality of our amal.

-I shall dwell into imparting the virtues of amal ( fadhillat amal) so that we can value each amal and be convinced of the promises of Allah s.w.t behind each amal. Only when we know the virtues of amal would we be encouraged to amal!

-I shall qualify that most posts here are excerpts or notes dictated from the many sermons I attended the last fifteen years and books, audio and video presentations by many Ulama's, Hafiz, Muhaddith, Alims and Maulanas from all over the world. I shall also qualify that the posts here can be referred to many Muktabbar books on Islam.

-I shall qualify that our limited knowledge on Quran and the known Muktabbar books of Islam may lead us to perceptions, misinterpretation and assumptions on some issues. If to understand Quran needs 17 key ilm (knowledge) and with 300000 Hadith in different Books and 4 different Mazhabs with different interpretations, I think we can agree the huge task for all of us to grasp Islam. However, there is indeed, today, although very rare and few, people who are a Hafiz, a Muhaddith and an Alim of the four Mazhabs! Yes! We just need to "identify" their traits and if possible, muzakarrah with them. However, identifying that trait is a different ilm altogether!

-I shall ensure that contents of this blog is about self-correction, not correcting others! It was not intended to be educational nor producing decrees or fatwa! You can't be an Ustaz by visiting this Blog! It is for you and me to gauge the state of our iman and amal. When we know our state of iman and amal, measured against a certified yardstick i.e yardstick in the eyes of Allah swt and Rasulullah s.a.w, we will know "how good or bad we are"! So, from there we would begin to see what we need to do to enhance our iman and amal!

Agree? Are you with me?

I hope, from this blog, you would get that "food for your soul" and eventually be able to gauge your state of iman and quality of amal. Again, this blog is about self-correction, not correcting others!

I am also happy to hear your comments! By the way, for the benefit of all, I do mix English and Malay in my blog purely to maintain the authenticity of the notes and messages. Please comment...

May Allah give us hidayat. Doa...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Tazkirah Iman dan Amal.....

Allah swt hapuskan Namrud laknatullah bukan dengan memberi kerajaan, kuasa dan tentera kepada Ibrahim a.s supaya Ibrahim a.s jadi kuat dan dapat kalahkan Namrud laknatullah! Ibrahim a.s cuma buat kerja beliau i.e dakwah ilallah dan Allah swt buat kerja Allah swt i.e hapuskan orang yang menolak dakwah Ibrahim a.s ie Namrud laknatullah dengan menghantar satu ekor nyamuk sahaja ke dalam kepala Namrud laknatullah! Begitu juga dengan Firaun laknatullah! Allah swt hapuskan Firaun dengan menghantar satu orang Nabi yang gagap sahaja! Nabi ini tidak diiringi dengan kerajaan, kuasa dan tentera untuk dakwahkan Firaun laknatullah kepada Allah swt. Firaun telah menentang! Apa jadi? Allah swt buat kerja dia i.e hapuskan orang yang menolak dakwah Musa a.s i.e Firaun ditenggelamkan!

Ibrahim a.s dan Musa a.s buat dakwah, Allah swt hapuskan raja-raja dan orang-orang bathil yang menolak dakwah! Yang peliknya, Ibrahim a.s dan Musa a.s tidak pun ambil alih kuasa kerajaan Namrud dan Firaun itu! Nabi-nabi itu tidak pun jadi Raja atau Presiden! Begitu juga Nabi saw! Siapa yang rendahkan tahap Nabi saw kepada ketua negara Madinah? Bukankah Nabi saw diutus sebagai Nabi untuk seluroh alam dan rahmatul alamin? Adakah mana-mana ayat Quran atau Hadith yang menyebut Nabi Muhammad saw sebagai "ketua Negara Islam Madinah"? Nabi saw adalah kekasih Allah swt, insan yang disuci dan dimuliakan dengan tugas mengajak seluroh manusia di seluroh alam kepada mentauhidkan Allah swt, mengajak manusia kepada Iman dan Amal, bukan mentadbir mana-mana negara!

Kisah-kisah Ibrahim a.s, Musa a.s dan Muhammad saw termaktub di dalam Quran tetapi orang-orang Islam tidak mahu mengambil apa-apa iktibar! Mereka tidak menganggap langsung yang Allah swt itu berkuasa dari cerita-cerita itu! Apa jadi bila mereka tidak faham dengan tertib Allah swt dari kisah-kisah Nabi-nabi dalam Quran? Mereka usaha dapatkan benda-benda atau perkara-perkara yang Allah swt tidak tertibkan (kerajaan, kuasa & tentera) dan meninggalkan usaha yang Allah swt perintahkan i.e jalankan kerja dakwah. Orang-orang Islam hendak membuat kerja Allah swt dan meninggalkan kerja mereka, dakwah ilallah! Sedih lagi ialah bila mereka kata mereka perjuangkan apa yang Nabi saw perjuangkan sedangkan maksud dan cara mereka jauh menyimpang dari cara Nabi saw!

Inilah punca utama orang Islam digagalkan dan tidak mendapat nusrah (bantuan) Allah swt! Orang-orang Islam tidak bantu agama Allah swt maka tidak ada nusrah dari Allah swt. Apa jadi? Doa orang-orang Islam ditolak, mereka dihina dimana-mana dan bathil tidak terhapus! Kenapa? Haq ie dakwah ilallah tidak ada! Kasihan ummat ini!


Dari Abu Umamah r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersada: Tiga manusia adalah merupakan tanggungan Allah jika mereka hidup, mereka akan diberi rezki dan akan dibantu dalam pekerjaan mereka yang mereka lakukan. Dan jika mereka meninggal dunia maka Allah akan memasukan mereka ke dalam Syurga. Pertama ialah orang yang masuk ke rumahya memberi salam, kedua orang yang pergi ke Masjid dan ketiga orang yang keluar di jalan Allah (HR Ibnu Hibban) - dipetik dari kitaab Muntakhab Hadith mukasurat 720. Moga Allah jadikan kita seperti orang yang Allah maksudkan ini. Ameen!


Kesempurnaan agama menurut Allah swt & Rasulullah saw merangkumi lima perkara - imaniat ibadat, muamallat, muasyarat dan akhlak. Imaniat dan Ibadat ialah dua perkara yang orang-orang kafir tidak dapat lihat tetapi mereka dapat melihat muamallat, muasyarat dan akhlak.

Kata Ulama, apabila imaniat betul, ibadat akan diterima. Apabila ibadat diterima, muamallat akan jadi betul. Apabila muamallat betul, muasyarat akan jadi betul. Apabila muasyarat betul barulah akhlak akan jadi betul! Itulah turutannya. Apabila imaniat, ibadat, muamallat dan muasyarat betul barulah akhlak akan jadi betul!


Dalam setiap keadaan dan tindak-tanduk kita, sedarilah siapa diri kita ini. Kita adalah hamba Allah s.w.t dan ummat Nabi saw. Perintah-perintah Allah swt dan Sunnah Nabi saw sahajalah yang wajib diutamakan - Ulama.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Penyelesaian segala masalah ada di dalam amalan agama!

1-Nabi saw bersabda: Saf-saf di dalam solat adalah ribat (benteng) terhadap serangan musoh. Solat berjemaah boleh selesaikan masalah sekuriti ummat!

2-Allah swt janji jika penduduk sesuatu daerah beriman, Allah swt akan bukakan pintu-pintu keberkatan langit & bumi. Ummat beriman dapat selesaikan masalah ekonomi ummat!

Ada banyak lagi janji-janji Allah swt untuk yang mukmin dan yang solat. Ada banyak lagi kisah-kisah dalam Quran/Hayatus sahabah tentang bantuan Allah swt kepada Nabi-nabi, Nabi saw dan Sahabat-sahabat yang beriman walaupun mereka dalam keadaan sedikit dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa! Hari ini umat Islam selesaikan masalah sekuriti dan ekonomi mereka macam mana? Macam kafir! Ulamak-ulamak pun ajak selesaikan masalah dengan cara yang selain dari cara yang Allah swt dan Nabi saw bawa, yang luar dari amal agama! Mereka pun ajak cari duit, cari kuasa, cari senjata dan harta juga, sama macam yaqin kafir. Ulamak-ulamak, apatah lagi orang-orang Islam yang biasa, tidak yaqin dengan jalan penyelesaian yang Allah s.w.t dan Nabi saw telah bawa. Yaqin pada selain selain Allah swt ialah Syiriq! Syiriq ialah dosa yang tidak terampun!

Kasihan ummat ini! Bagaimana mungkin Allah swt hendak pandang dan bantu mereka yg Syiriq?


Apabila orang-orang Islam bergerak atas tariqat (jalan/cara/Sunnah) Nabi saw, hidayat akan tersebar - Ulama. Apabila hidayat tersebar, iman akan terhasil dan ibadat, muamallat, muasyarat dan akhlak orang-orang Islam akan jadi baik. Orang kafir, melihatkan kebaikan orang Islam itu akan datang pada Islam berbondong-bondong! Ini telah berlaku di zaman Nabi saw dan Sahabat-Sahabat, yang Nabi saw kata tidak ada kurun yang lebih baik dari kurun aku dan selepasku! Ulama tafsirkan "selepasku" itu sebagai tempoh 300 tahun dari kenabian Nabi saw. Dakwah ilalallah adalah kerja harian semua orang Islam di zaman itu! Semua orang Islam taat kepada Nabi saw dan Sunnah2 Nabi s.a.w!

Hari ini orang Islam bergerak atas tariqat apa atau tariqat siapa? Mereka taat kepada apa dan kepada siapa?Mereka hendak dapatkan dan tiru kurun siapa dan kurun yang mana satu? Apabila orang-orang Islam bergerak atas tariqat lain dan meniru kurun lain, apakah hasilnya? Apa yang tersebar? Nur Iman atau Zulumat (kegelapan) yang tersebar?Adakah orang-orang Islam satu hati dan berkasih sayang? Hari-hari orang Islam bergaduh! Orang-orang China dan Hindu yang sudah berjiran dengan orang-orang Islam bertahun-tahun datang pada Islam berbondong-bondong? Tidak! Mereka tidak nampak kebaikan Islam kerana buruknya amalan kebanyakkan orang Islam! Malah, orang Islam berbondong-bondong keluar dari Islam!

Salah siapa? Inilah penyakit nombor satu semua orang-orang Islam - mereka tidak ikut tariqat Nabi mereka! Kasihan!


Allah swt yang mencipta segala-galanya. Allah swt cipta Malaikat! Allah swt cipta Jinn dan Manusia!Allah swt jua yang cipta hati-hati Manusia! Apa yang Allah swt ingin ada di dalam hati-hati Manusia? Allah swt! Dalam hati seharusnya hanya ada Allah swt dan suci dari makhluk-makhluk! Itulah maksud hati dicipta i.e untuk letakan kebesaran Allah s.w.t! Ada Allah swt di dalam hati itulah Iman! Itulah soalan pertama Malaikat!

Hari ini dalam hati kita apa yang besar? Kita boleh senang-senang kata Allah swt ada di dalam hati kita tetapi ujian pada kebenaran kata-kata kita itu akan terbukti apabila 5 kali muazzin panggil hay ya alassolah hay ya alalfalah! Apa hati kita kata dan dimana kita bila 5 kali muazzin panggil hay ya alassolah hay ya alalfalah? Kata Ulama, orang yang ada kebesaran Allah swt di dalam hatinya akan berada di saf pertama setiap waktu azan dilaungkan.


Majlis A : Majlis B

Muzakarah Iman : Muzakarah Islam

Dakwah orang : Dakwa orang

Ajak dan pujuk orang : Ajar dan marah orang

Tiada upah : Ada upah

Tidak meminta derma : Ada meminta derma

Cakap dan bikin : Cakap dan tidak bikin

Cakap tanpa menggunakan teks : Cakap menggunakan teks

Cakap dari hati : Cakap dari otak

Kefahaman agama Islam : Kefahaman ilmu Islam

Tajuk ialah Iman : Tajuk ialah Islam dan hal ehwal semasa

Sayang pada semua hadirin : Sayang bersyarat pada yang bersetuju dengan dia (penyampai)

Peserta majlis duduk rapat-rapat : Peserta majlis duduk jauh-jauh

Antara dua majlis ini, pilihlah majlis di mana hati kita akan terkesan! Pilihlah satu majlis yang ada roh dan nur! Apa pun, ada perbezaan yang besar antara dua majlis ini. Kita akan dapat rasa, insya Allah. Majlis orang yang korbankan diri untuk agama tidak sama dengan apa-apa majlis pun. Renungkan....


Di belakang setiap kita (orang yang ada kalimah) ada jutaan orang yang belum kenal Allah s.w.t, yang tidak tahu maksud hidup, yang hidup makan tidur macam binatang! Mereka perlukan hidayah.

Di belakang setiap kita (orang yang ada kalimah) ada jutaan orang-orang Islam yang tidak solat (75%). Orang yang tidak solat sebenarnya yang sedang merobohkan Islam.

Mengajak pada iman dan amal (solat)lah yang paling-paling penting! Tidak ada yang lebih utama dari mengajak kepada iman dan amal!

Nabi tidak akan diutus lagi! Allah s.w.t sedang melihat kita! Apa yang Allah s.w.t inginkan dari pada kita sebagai ummat Nabi s.a.w? Apakah harapan Nabi s.a.w pada kita? Apa manfaat (kebaikan) yang boleh kita bawa, sampaikan dan hadiahkan kepada ribuan juta hamba-hamba Allah s.w.t dan ummat Nabi s.a.w yang sedang sesat itu? Apa manfaat yang Sahabat-sahabat Nabi s.a.w telah bawa pada dunia? Apa manfaat yang telah kita bawa? Kita perlu belajarlah perkara ini!

Apakah tertib Nabi s.a.w dan Sahabat-sahabat jajakan, sebarkan dan tegakkan agama? Bagaimanakah kalimah Allah s.w.t ditegakkan dahulu? Doa supaya Allah s.w.t gunakan kita sebagai asbab (penyebab) hidayah tersebar bukan fitnah dan zulumat tersebar! Kafir jauh dari agama kerana melihat muamallat, muasyarat dan akhlak orang Islam yang buruk, bergaduh dan mencaci sesama kita tidak habis-habis! Kelakuan buruk datang dari iman orang-orang Islam yang rosak! Islam ini Allah s.w.t punya dan Nabi s.a.w punya! Kita kena tahu apa yang Allah s.w.t dan Nabi s.a.w kehendaki! Kita kena tahu cara yang Allah s.w.t dan Rasul s.a.w tertibkan untuk mendapatkan apa yang Allah s.w.t dan Rasul s.a.w kehendaki!

Hari ini, Sunnah Nabi s.a.w yang asas pun belum (tidak) zahir dalam diri-diri orang Islam. Bagaimana mereka akan mampu untuk laksanakan sunnah Nabi s.a.w yang terunggul i.e dakwah ilallah? Hari ini orang Islam sibuk menghukum aqidah orang! Nabi s.a.w tidak buat perkara ini! Seeds of mercy yang ada dalam hati Nabi saw tidak ada langsung dalam hati-hati orang Islam hatta ulamak-ulamak Islam pun keras hati! Sesama Islam pun mereka berkeras, tidak ada sifat ikraam! Kata ulama amilin (ulamak yg beramal bukan setakat bercakap saja) : seeds of mercy only grows in soft sincere hearts. Ada Hadith yang seakan-akan makna ini- agama masuk pada hati ibarat air yang mengalir, ia bertakung dan menyerap pada tanah-tanah yang lembut. Kata ulama: Orang beragama dianugerahkan dengan seeds of mercy, lembut hati dan sifat inginkan kebaikan pada manusia. Hari ini, orang Islam inginkan apa kepada seorang Islam lain? Kebaikan atau kemusnahan? Kita ada apa: seeds of mercy or seeds of hate?


Tahukah kita di zaman Nabi s.a.w, 150 jemaah telah dikeluarkan dari Madinah dan Nabi s.a.w sendiri telah menyertai tidak kurang dari 25 jemaah? Kata Ulama, jemaah-jemaah ini termasuklah jemaah-jemaah dakwah dan jemaah-jemaah perang.


Satu sahaja usaha semua Nabi-nabi - Dakwah ilallah! Mentauhidkan Allah s.w.t!

Satu sahaja tertib semua Nabi-nabi - Jumpa manusia, agungkan nama Allah s.w.t depan mereka!

Satu sahaja syarat semua Nabi-nabi - Dikorbankan tanpa diiringi dengan kuasa takhta dan tentera!

Hari ini ramai "pejuang-pejuang" Islam yang mendabik dada dengan"perjuangan" mereka dan telah mengaitkan usaha mereka dengan usaha Nabi s.a.w dan mengatakan mereka mengikut Nabi s.a.w! Persoalannya ialah apakah usaha, tertib dan syarat yang mereka amalkan menepati perintah Allah s..w.t dan mengikut tariqat (jalan dan cara) Nabi s.a.w?


Nabi s.a.w telah beruzla di Gua Hira, bersendiri mengenangkan keadaan ummat yang jahil, yang melakukan dosa-dosa untuk beberapa lama. Kata ulama: Hidayat tidak tersebar dengan Nabi s.a.w beruzla, bersendiri, berkhalwat dengan Allah s.w.t mengenangkan keadaan ummat yang melakukan berbagai-bagai maksiat tetapi hidayat tersebar sebaik sahaja Baginda s.a.w di perintahkan Allah s.w.t untuk bangun dan agungkan nama Allah s.w.t.

Kata ulama, hidayat tersebar bila Nabi s.a.w bangkit, bangun dan bergerak! Hari ini juga, kata ulama, hidayat akan tersebar apabila ummat ini bangkit, bangun dan bergerak, apabila ummat ini keluar jumpa manusia dan agungkan nama Allah s.w.t di depan mereka!


Apakah fikir Nabi s.a.w? Selamatkan ummat dari api neraka!
Apakah kesedihan Nabi s.a.w? Lihat ummat tidak dapat hidayat!
Bagaimanakah kasih Nabi saw? Biar baginda susah asalkan ummat tidak susah!

Hari ini fikir, sedih & kasih begini tidak ada dalam hati-hati orang Islam! Nauzubillah. Apa jadi bila orang-orang Islam i.e ummat Nabi saw sendiri tidak ada fikir, sedih & kasih dengan ummat macam Nabi mereka? Fikir mereka ialah merebut dunia dan menyalahkan orang! Sedih mereka dinyatakan dengan marah, kutuk dan cerca sahaja! Kasih sayang langsung tidak ada di dalam hati mereka bahkan mereka inginkan kebinasaan untuk orang Islam lain! Ini bukan resam Nabi! Ini bukan fikir, sedih dan kasih Nabi s.a.w! Apabila fikir, sedih & kasih mereka bukan macam fikir, sedih dan kasih Nabi mereka, maka dakwah ilallah cara Nabi mereka (dakwah ilallah dengan hikmah, kasih sayang, doa & airmata) juga akan mereka tinggalkan!

Apa jadi bila dakwah ilallah cara Nabi saw tidak ada! Sepertimana dahulu, bila ada Nabi, ada dakwah. Bila ada dakwah, hiduplah agama. Wafat satu Nabi, kaum jadi kufur & Allah akan hantar lagi Nabi! Hari ini Nabi sudah tiada! Dakwah ilallah cara Nabi pun tidak ada! Apa jadi? Hidayat telah terhalang & bathil telah tersebar dengan luasnya! Begitulah tertibnya! Kenapa orang Islam perlu membuat bising & mengadu domba bila orang Islam buat macam-macam maksiat? Adakah mereka telah buat kerja Nabi ie dakwah ilallah yang dapat menarik hidayat? Atau adakah mereka sedang buat dakwa & dakyah yg sedang menarik azab?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Question 1- Do you want to have true Iman (Faith) so that you are 100% convinced that only Allah s.w.t is Powerful?

Question 2- Do you want to have the strength to be able to perform your five mandatory prayers the way of the Sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w - right on time, at a place where azan is called, in congregation and able to get the 1st takbir with the Imam anywhere, in whatever situation, every single time, every single day till you die?

Question 3- Do you want to be able to learn, understand, be convinced and perform all ilm of deen or knowledge, be it masail or fadhail? Do you want to do all your amaal the way shown by the Sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w and be conviced of the promises of Allah s.w.t behind that amal?

Question 4- Do you want to cleanse your heart with regards to relationship with fellow Muslims? Would you like to be able to have good right thoughts about your Muslim friends, love and respect them purely for the sake of Allah s.w.t and Rasul s.a.w?

Question 5 -Do you want to amaal with ikhlas purely to please Allah s.w.t and rasul s.a.w?

Question 6 - Do you want to be able to sacrifice your life, your time and your wealth for Allah s.w.t and Rasul s.a.w?

What are all these questions? Whay was it being asked? Why is it that we were asked to emulate or gain those traits? Iman, steadfastness in solat, knowledgable on Allah 's commands, continuous remembrance of Allah s.w.t, ikraam other Muslims, ikhlasa and sacrificng for islam are traits of the Sahabah! This are actually the traits of the Sahabah of Nabi s.a.w those whom Allah s.w.t had rendered His pleasure, blessings and pleased with! In fact, some of the Sahabahs were promised Jannah even while they are still living on Earth! Shouldn't all we muslims follow them and emulate them?

If we were to attain those traits and with that we may be given the same treatment by Allah s.w.t, we must have one important ingredient-hidayah. Hidayah is very expensive and it is in the hands of Allah s.w.t. Allah s.w.t is the ultimate owner and giver of hidayah!

We may ask-aren't we with hidayah now? Yes, we do have but what we have is NOT hidayah nur! Is it right for us to ask? Let's see. Do we have any of the traits mentioned here? If we said we do, how could the help of Allah is not with us anymore? Is Allah pleased with us? How do we get hidayah then? What are the prerequisites to attain hidayah nur from Allah s.w.t? For this, we must refer to Al Ankabut 69. We must expeience mujahaddah! We must sacrifice our self, time and wealth in the path of Allah s.w.t inviting all towards Allah s.w.t. This is the same tertib and tarbiah the Sahabah went through! What did they do 23 years with Nabi s.a.w in Mekah and Madinah? Dakwah ilallah!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sins that stemmed from our Amaal like alcohol, gambling, zina and even murder are forgivable sins! Yes! Allah s.w.t will forgive us if we do Taubat! However, sins that stemmed from our Iman or Faith like Shirk is unforgiven, not pardonable!

So, it is utterly important for all of us to think and worry about our state of Iman or Faith! Is there any traits of Shirk in our hearts? We can always check!

We said laailah hailallah-there is no ilah or sustainer but Allah! Is it true that we are 100% convinced that Allah s.w.t is the only sustainer. Do we still have other entity or makhluk that we deem necessary to save, sustain and give us protection? Can we 100% commit and admit that we do not have anyone who saves, sustains and protects us?

We said laa haula wala quwataila billah- we are powerless besides what is bestowed upon us by Allah s.w.t. Is it true that we rely solely on Allah s.w.t powers for us to perform or do anything? Have we totally denied the powers in money, weapons and Government?

We said hasbiallah hu wanikmal wakeel-Allah is enough as my abode. Is it true that we do not rely or depend on others? Do we seek directly to Allah when we need anything or do we have other abode we turn to?

Which of this two is more serious and damaging? Which of this two are we more worried of? Are we more worried about sins of others that shirk that may be residing in our hearts? Think...


Hajj, a one-in-a-lifetime religious command requires effort to fulfill its demands-one needs to save money, learn thr rituals, physically prepare ones health and spiritually cleansed up the hearts.

Zakat, a once-in-a-year religious command requires effort to fulfill its demands-income had to be calculated, paid and distributed.

Fasting, a 30-day-a-year religious command requires effort to fulfill its demands-one has to wake up for the pre-dawn meals, be in hunger, suppress all his wants and desires and pray the long tarawih at night.

Solat- a 5-times-a-day religious requirement requires effort to fulfill its demands-one has to leave their work, find a suitable place to pray, do abolution and try to concentrate in the prayers.

Syahadah, a declaration of faith, an all-time-needed religious command requires effort to fulfill its demand. However, apart from the four tenets of Islamw we mentioned above, if you ask any Muslim on what are and how is the effort to fulfill the demand of laailah hailallah, no one would be able to answer!

As we can see from the five tenets, the lesser the importance, the lesser is the frequency that it has to be performed. Zakat is required to be perforemed much more frequently than Hajj. Fasting is required to be done in much more frequency than Zakat. Solat is required to be done in much more frequency than Fasting! What about Kalimah Syahadah? Kalimah Syahadah is required to be present in one's heart much more frequently than five times a day! It is needed every second! In fact, all amaals will be rejected if one's heart is absent or void of Iman! See the importance? See the urgency? To this urgent matter, what effort have we given to fulfill its demand?

Are we saying that something that is required to be present every single second in our heartrs needs no effort for its fulfillment? Are we saying that something that is a pre-condition to the acceptance of all our good deeds is not important and needs no effort to enhance? Are we saying that something that is the key to Jannah is not important to be developed and improved? Are we saying that something that would be the first and only mandatory question checked by Malaikatul Maut is a small matter? Do we know that Malaikatul maut comes to visit us every 23 seconds?

The question now is: What is the effort to enhance our Iman or our Kalimah Syahadah? Is our Iman perfect? Has anyone challenged or test our faith? Are we confident at the state of our Iman? Are we sure we are the blessed and the accepted in the eyes of Allah s.w.t? Are we 100% convinced that Allah s.w.t is the Creator? If so, do we readily accept all that has been created or given for us? Are we 100% convinced that Allah s.w.t is the Sustainer? If so, are we sure that we do not need any other entity besides Allah to care, protect and serve us? Are we 100% convinced that Allah s.w.t is the Provider? Have we experienced leaving our family totally to Allah s.w.t like Ibrahim a.s. did to Ismail and Hajar? Have we totally surrendered our fate to Allah s.w.t? Have we dedicated our self, time and money to please Allah s.w.t and the Prophet, like the Sahabah?

How is our Iman? What is required to enhance and build our iman to the level and state of iman like Ibrahim a.s? What effort have we given in our quest to firm up our Iman? Can we answer Malaikat Maut question?

Friday, April 10, 2009


Muslims said laailah hailallah, there is no ilah (sustainer) but Allah s.w.t but who do they se seek, hope, choose and want as their ilah ( sustainer) so much so that they are willing to offer their maximum effort and work tirelessly even to the extent of acting against the commands of Allah s.w.t to achieve it?

Muslims said laa haula wala quwatailah billah, there is no strength except for the strength bestowed upon me by Allah s.w.t (Muslims openly denying their strength in the face of Allah' s.w.t's powers) but they still insist and want to attain power as though Allah.s.w.t's strength and power is inadequate!

Muslims said hasbiallah hu wanikmal wakeel, Allah s.w.t is sufficient as their abode but to whom did they rely, depend and surrender their fate to?

Why aren't Muslims convinced that Allah s.w.t is their only sustainer, strengthener and abode?

Ulama' said the ayats of Quran was sent upon Muhammad s.a.w and his companions (the Sahabah). Each of the ayats of Quran descended in a certain situation, at a particular time, to a particular person or question and indeed, with it's own designated purpose and intent of which only Allah s.w.t knew! Also, 5/6 of the content of the Quran highlighted the Tauhid of Allah s.w.t, attributes of the Angels, the dakwat of all Anbiyas. the stories of those who reject the Call and stories of the obedient souls! In the Quran, only 1/6 of it covers the commands and Laws of Allah s.w.t! Ulama said, Fiqh is just a small portion of the Quran compared to the 5/6 which stressed, enforced and referred to the importance and virtues of Iman ( faith).

Ulama' asked: How could Muslims of today grasp and attain true Iman (faith) if they are void of the "learning" of what is inside 5/6th of the Quran, Hadith of Nabi s.a.w, Hayatus Sahabah (depictions of the life of the Sahabah, those whom Allah s.w.t had blessed and accepted as radhiallah huanhu, the true faithful, upon whom most ayat were descended to and impressed upon) and Asbabul Nuzul ( the reason each ayat were sent down)? How could they?

Muslims today were bombarded daily with Fiqh and the Laws of Allah s.w.t more than what's inside the 5/6th of the Quran, Hadith, Hayatus Sahabah and Asbabul Nuzul! What is the result? They became well-versed in every aspects of the Laws of Allah up to the extent that to them the Laws of Allah is all there is to this Deen of Islam! They have reached a state where they can indict everyone as apostates or Munafiqs for not accepting the Laws of Allah s.w.t! Isn't Solat a Law of Allah s.w.t? Do we need a written law to implement it? Wasn't it already performed without any Law decreeing it? Why this happened? Muslims today were instilled with mostly Fiqh and thoughts of ulama' akhir zaman. It was impressed upon them that they (the Muslims) must attain power so that the Laws of Allah s.w.t and Islam can be forced upon all, not that Allah s.w.t is the One that will bestow power upon whom Allah s.w.t wants ( i.e the Mukminin)! It was impressed upon them that only when Laws of Islam is implemented, Deen is upheld, complete and glorified! Is that all what Allah s.w.t wants and Muhammad s.a.w brought? Is that how Allah s.w.t ordered? Is that the Sunnah of Nabi s.a.w?

What is complete Deen? Isn't complete Deen encompasses Imaniat, Ibadat, Muamallat, Muasyarat and Akhlak of the insan or ummat? How is the Imaniat of the ummat today? How is the Ibadat of the ummat today? How is the Muamallat of the ummat today? How is the Muasyarat of the ummat today? How is the Akhlak of the ummat today? Ulama asked: Of this five traits, which MUST comes first? Can we attain Akhlak without Imaniat? Can we attain acceptance of our Ibadat without the right Imaniat? Is our Muamallat accepted if we are not a Mukmin and Abid of Allah s.w.t? , Isn't Muhammad s.a.w, the beholder of this Deen, sent to save all mankind from Jahannam by accepting Allah s.w.t as God? Can anyone be saved from Jahannam without Imaniat, Ibadat, Muamallat, Muasyarat and Akhlak? Do we measure Deen as how Allah s.w.t and Muhammad s.a.w measured Deen? Can a Kafir with a good "Akhlak" be better than a Muslim with weak "Imaniat"?

So, is there any truth in what the Muslims of today said? Is Allah s.w.t is their only sustainer, strengthener and abode?

Publish Post

Saturday, April 4, 2009


The performance of Muslims today (their iman, ibadat, muammalat, muasyarat and akhlak) is in shambles. They don't look, act and think like their Prophet, Muhammad s.a.w anymore. They have committed all types of sins and crimes. We can talk all day long of this ummats predicaments. I am not here to address the problem. Anyone can address the problems of this ummat! It is mere talk! Talk is cheap!

Ulama said, the ummat of today is like a dying tree which has few yellowish leaves, bears no fruits anymore and weak branches. It is still a living tree though despite it's poor condition! Ulama gave an explaination on the state and fate of this ummat using this analogy and gave an example of how two types of person trying to salvage or "help" this tree out of it's doldrums!

To this tree, came two person.

1st person looks at the tree and was angry! He went to get green paint and painted the leaves! He had also, with a loud voice, scolded the branches for not producing fruits. He looked around and blamed the ground too for not being nourishing! He blames the rain, the sunshine and everything else he could put a blame on!

The 2nd person looks at the tree and was sad. He quietly went to the drain to fetch some muddy manure, get some cow dung and slowly pelt it at the roots of the tree. He then looked for a stream, fetch some water and poured it over at the roots! He then sighed and blamed himself - if I were to come earlier and cared for this tree, it wouldn't be like this!

Ulama asked: Of the two, who is doing the intelligent and right thing? Ulama asked: Today, is anyone doing what the 2nd person is doing?


Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w today is LOST because they are void of HIDAYAT
HIDAYAT is in the hands of Allah s.w.t! How can this Ummat attract the HIDAYAT from Allah s.w.t?

Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w today is CURSED because they are void of RAHMAT
RAHMAT is in the hands of Allah s.w.t! How can this Ummat attract the RAHMAT of Allah s.w.t?

Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w today is SICK because they are void of BARAKAH
BARAKAH is in the hands of Allah s.w.t! How can this Ummat attract the BARAKAH from Allah s.w.t?

Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w today is PUNISHED because they are void of FORGIVENESS
FORGIVENESS is in the hands of Allah s.w.t! How can this Ummat attract the FORGIVENESS from Allah s.w.t?

Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w today is DESTROYED because they are void of NUSRAH
NUSRAH is in the hands of Allah s.w.t! How can this Ummat attract the NUSRAH of Allah s.w.t?

Azan in Makkah