As of March 2009, the world's population is estimated to be about 6.80 billion. The world's population is expected to reach 9.00 billion by the year 2040. In short, there is 6.80 billion Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w! Out of this 6.80 billion, Ulama says only one fifth recites the kalimah laailah hailallah while the other, approximately 5.40 billion is void of the kalimah! The truth is 5.40 billion human being, all Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w is living and walking this Earth without ever knowing who their Creator is and a purpose of life! The truth is 5.40 billion of the Ummat of Muhammad s.a.w is living in "darkness", eating and sleeping, day in day out, fulfilling their lust, like animals! 5.40 billion of the Ummat of Nabi s.a.w is lost and living an empty life! That is the reality! What will happen to them in the Hereafter? Where will they end up if they die void of the kalimah?
Muhammad s.a.w is the Last Prophet, khataman nabiyiin! He was sent to all humanity to the whole world till Qiamat. His prophecy encompasses the whole world and till the end of times. After his death, there won't be any other Prophet send! Who is now responsible for the fate of that 5.40 billion of Muhammad.s.a.w's ummat?
This site is dedicated to establish the fact that our ultimate success in this Dunia and Akhirat is only in religion - obedience to Allah s.w.t and following the Sunnah of Nabi s.a.w.
I think before we venture into a sacred and holy issue like religion, we should at least qualify ourselves, right? So, I have posted this three mind-boggling questions for all of us to answer or just ponder.
What are your necessities in life on earth and who fulfilled it?
What are your responsibilities in life here on earth?
This simple qualification is togauge our awareness on our purpose, neccessities and responsibilities.
In this blog, I shall commit to these basic tenets....
-I shall not dwell into hukum hakam, halal haram as those are better handled by an Ustaz or Alim. After all, hukum hakam is just 1/6 of the Quran! What is the other 5/6? Muslims are already engaged in thousands of arguments and we don't need to further fan the fire or "tragedy". I was told, even in Solat, there are more than 200 "point of disagreement"!
-I shall not dwell into furu', Fiqh and other intricacies. Islam has 2 major sects, 4 major Mazhabs, more than 20 types of fikrah, many ideologies, different political affiliations and other trends. Discussions on this is filled to the brim, some already exploded! So, I am not wasting time in any war of words on any issues with anyone.
-I shall dwell into sharing with you some food for the soul. As our body needs nutrients, our soul too needs nur (light) in the form of reminders from the Quran, Hadith, Hayatus Sahabah, provoking questions and fikir to enlighten our hearts! An enlightened heart ( heart filled with the Greatness of Allah and the love of Nabi s.a.w, virtues of amal and promises of Allah etc) will drive us to amal, insya Allah. It is all about our iman (faith) and our amal ( deeds)
-I shall dwell into instilling the fikir, risau and bimbang ( thoughts, worries and anxiety) of Nabi s.a.w towards his ummat and the fikir, risau and bimbang about the state of our iman and the quality of our amal.
-I shall dwell into imparting the virtues of amal ( fadhillat amal) so that we can value each amal and be convinced of the promises of Allah s.w.t behind each amal. Only when we know the virtues of amal would we be encouraged to amal!
-I shall qualify that most posts here are excerpts or notes dictated from the many sermons I attended the last fifteen years and books, audio and video presentations by many Ulama's, Hafiz, Muhaddith, Alims and Maulanas from all over the world. I shall also qualify that the posts here can be referred to many Muktabbar books on Islam.
-I shall qualify that our limited knowledge on Quran and the known Muktabbar books of Islam may lead us to perceptions, misinterpretation and assumptions on some issues. If to understand Quran needs 17 key ilm (knowledge) and with 300000 Hadith in different Books and 4 different Mazhabs with different interpretations, I think we can agree the huge task for all of us to grasp Islam. However, there is indeed, today, although very rare and few, people who are a Hafiz, a Muhaddith and an Alim of the four Mazhabs! Yes! We just need to "identify" their traits and if possible, muzakarrah with them. However, identifying that trait is a different ilm altogether!
-I shall ensure that contents of this blog is about self-correction, not correcting others! It was not intended to be educational nor producing decrees or fatwa! You can't be an Ustaz by visiting this Blog! It is for you and me to gauge the state of our iman and amal. When we know our state of iman and amal, measured against a certified yardstick i.e yardstick in the eyes of Allah swt and Rasulullah s.a.w, we will know "how good or bad we are"! So, from there we would begin to see what we need to do to enhance our iman and amal!
Agree? Are you with me?
I am also happy to hear your comments! By the way, for the benefit of all, I do mix English and Malay in my blog purely to maintain the authenticity of the notes and messages. Please comment...
May Allah give us hidayat. Doa...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
However, we all know that we are no where to where we are supposed to be. Why?
We are also not short of "warriors" who preached powers to the Muslims! We are not short of "warriors" who are fighting for Islam! We have warriors who said: Islam must govern! We strongly believe that Islam must rule! We shout: Islam must dictate! We always pray that we must and we have to kill the Apostates! We urged everyone to fight the Munafiqs! We cried- Save Islam! We cried-Save the Muslims. We are not short of "warriors"in all fields! They are everywhere! Question remains: Why are we not where we are supposed to be? What is stopping us? What is preventing us?
Do we know the exact cause that is really stopping us? Do we know the exact "culprit" if any, that is the cause which is preventing us? Are we short of knowledgeable scholars? We do have thousands of Hafizs, Muhaddiths and Aliims, isn't it? The biq question remains: What is stopping us? What is preventing us?
Who is our real enemy? What is our real enemy? Is it the Jews? Is it America? Apostates? Musyriqs? Who? What is? Who is?
There is an answer to this question! Not only that there is an answer to it, there is also a solution to it. There is indeed a solution to beat the enemy!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kita adalah generasi/ummat yang ditabalkan sebagai ummat yang terbaik. Kita perlu yaqeen, ada rasa tanggungjawab, sedia qurban dan berdoa dengan airmata atas pertabalan ini.
Kita perlu usahakan iman kita. Kita perlu baiki iman kita sehingga kertas dan wang tidak ada beza pada hati kita. Hati kita tak terkesan dengan makhluk. Kertas dan duit adalah makhluk. Hati kita perlu yaqeen hanya pada Khazannah Allah s.w.t. Itulah intipati laailah hailallah - laa maknanya tiada, bukan sedikit. Dalam hati tidak harus ada sedikit pun ilah-ilah lain.
Sesuatu perkara yang kita usahakan, yaqeen atas perkara itu akan datang. Jika kita saban hari usaha atas warong kita, yaqeen atas warong kita yang datangkan rezki akan datang. Kita harus yaqeen dgn janji-janji Allah s.w.t dan sunnah Nabi s.a.w. Potong janggut adalah seolah-olah memotong leher Nabi s.a.w! Kita harus yaqeen bahawa pada helaian janggut-janggut itu ada bidadari-bidadari yang bergantungan. Kita perlu ikut Nabi s.a.w ( amalkan sunnah-sunnahnya) dalam keimanan, ibadat, muamallat, muasyarat dan akhlak baginda s.a.w.
Orang kafir gementar bila ummat ini amalkan Sunnah Nabi mereka. Contoh mudah: Jika kita semua berpakat amalkan Sunnah Nabi s.a.w iaitu sembelih ayam ( binatang) sendiri, maka tutuplah kedai-kedai ayam orang-orang kafir!
Awas sifat syaithan: Aku baik dari kamu.
Maksud ilmu? Mengenal Allah. Maksud zikir? Sentiasa rasa Allah s.w.t bersama kita.
Ibrahim a.s mendapat anak pada usia 96 tahun. Bayangkan gembiranya Ibrahim a.s! Namun, beberapa ketika selepas itu, datang perintah Allah s.w.t untuk tinggalkan Ismail a.s. dan Siti Hajar di tempat yang gersang. Ibrahim a.s telah tinggalkan mereka selama 9 tahun.
Ulama’ tanya, apakah Ibrahim a.s itu dzalim? Surah As-Saff menceritakan kisah Ibrahim a.s. Ibrahim a.s telah lulus banyak ujian dari Allah s.w.t dan kemudian Allah s.w.t tawarkan pada baginda: Mintalah apa yang kamu mahu. Ibrahim a.s doa: Jadikan anak keturunanku aku orang yang beriman dan buat dakwah. Muhammad s.a.w, Allah s.w.t lahirkan dari keturunan Siti Hajar dan Ismail a.s.
Allah s.w.t berfirman yang lebih kurang maksudnya: Zahirnya fasad di lautan dan di bumi adalah hasil dari tangan-tangan manusia. Kata Ulama, asalnya air laut tidak masin dan pokok-pokok semuanya berbuah. Sejak Habil bunuh Qabil, semua berubah! Baik amalan manusia, baiklah natijah dari Allah s.w.t.
Ummat ini dihantar untuk seluruh manusia.
Hadith Nabi s.a.w: Dunia ini manis dan hijau. Allah s.w.t jadikan kita khalifah untuk menguji kita. Takutlah kamu pada dunia dan wanita.
Di dalam Surah Al-Hadid, Allah s.w.t beritahu bahawa dunia ini tipu daya sahaja.
Apablia kita cakapkan perkara-perkara yang baik, Allah s.w.t akan islahkan diri kita. Inilah maksud dari Surah Al-Ahzab. Di dalam Al Fusillat, Allah s.w.t beritahu: Kita mesti buat dakwah, barulah ibadat!
Kata orang alim: Ummat-ummat dahulu adalah ibarat kain. Nabi-nabi dahulu adalah ibarat mesin yang mengeluarkan kain-kain. Nabi s.a.w? Nabi s.a.w adalah ibarat kilang yang mengeluarkan mesin-mesin kain!
Allah s.w.t suka apabila hamba-hambanya berdoa. Allah s.w.t murka apabila hamba-hambaNya tidak berdoa!
Asbab, seperti kedai, duit , keluarga, isteri dan sebagainya tidak menambah ketenangan. Ketenangan datang dari Allah s.w.t. Asbab hanyalah sebagai ujian dari Allah s.w.t. Janganlah kita salah faham. Kafir pun Allah s.w.t beri asbab.
Jika kita ada masalah, kita sabar dan solat dahulu bukan terus pada makhluk dan asbab. Solat akan jadi penyelesai masalah bila kita sabar dalam menjauhi larangan Allah s.w.t.
Iman tulin sahabat.
Iman sahabat-sahabat Nabi s.a.w adalah tulin, tiada bercampur syirik atau was-was. Dalam satu riwayat, ada diceritakan bahawa Uqbah bin Nafe’ mampu mengiklankan kepada binatang-binatang tentang keinginan beliau dan jemaah dakwahnya berehat di satu tempat. Diceritakan semua binatang-binatang, termasuk anak-anak mereka telah meninggalkan tempat itu dengan perintah Uqbah bin Nafe'. Makhluk pun taat pada orang yang beriman.
Kita? Isteri kita sendiri pun lawan kita! Apakah kualiti iman kita? Dimanakah roh iman kita? Renungkan.
Hari ini, kita selalu memberi alasan yang kita sakit bila di ajak beramal atau keluar buat dakwah. Ia seolah-olah kita sedang duduk di kerusi melayan pening dan demam yang ringan. Kita rasa itu cukup menyiksakan dan cukup menjadi alasan. Bayangkan, sedang orang itu duduk, seekor singa tiba-tiba muncul dan meluru kearahnya!. Apa agaknya akan berlaku? Orang tadi itu akan meloncat bangun dan segera lari, dia akan lupa yang dia ada pening dan demam!
Begitulah tamsilnya sakit akhirat dan sakit dunia. Orang akan terkejut dengan kedatangan Mailakat Maut dan seterusnya takut menghadapi Qubor, Mahsyar, Sirat dan Neraka!
Nilai satu subhanallah dan kehebatan kerajaan Sulaiman a.s.
Satu ketika, seorang abid telah melihat di langit kerajaan Sulaiman a.s yang disertai takhtanya, ribuan jin-jin, malaikat-malaikat dan burung-burung sedang terbang. Takjub dengan apa yang dilihat, dikatakan Subhanallah!. Angin, telah mendengarkan sebutan itu dan memberitahu Sulaiman a.s tentang apa yang diperkatakan oleh abid itu. Sulaiman a.s pun turun dari langit dan berkata pada si abid: Kerajaan aku ini akan hancur satu hari nanti tetapi satu subhanallah yang kau ucapkan itu, pahalanya akan kekal abadi.
Inilah lebih kurang maksud satu riwayat tentang nilai satu subhanallah.